
Business contacts

Business contacts

Make contact with commercial services, property services, Trading Standards and information for suppliers, invoicing and payments.

Commercial services

Before you get in contact with commercial services these pages may help you:

If you have a query about a specific tender, please register to In-tend and raise your enquiry via a clarification or correspondence on the relevant page. 

If the tender has been distributed by email, please send your correspondence to the email which sent out the tender.

Your query will be responded to much more quickly if you do this.

Other queries about commercial services

If you have a query that relates to neither of these, please .

Property services

Before you get in contact with property services these pages may help you:

Other queries about property services

Facilities Management contact us

Facilities Management Call Centre On: 0121 704 6901

Tenant queries contact us

For general queries propertyrequests@worcestershire.gov.uk

For rent or service charge invoices and other account related issues propertyinvoices@worcestershire.gov.uk

Suppliers, invoices and payments

Before you get in contact these pages may help you:

Other queries about suppliers, invoices and payments

Payment enquiries

(No Purchase Order, No Pay policy) please email: wccpaymentenquiries@worcestershire.gov.uk

Payment suppliers

email: wccsuppliers@worcestershire.gov.uk


Invoices should be sent electronically to: wccinvoices@worcestershire.gov.uk

Trading Standards

Report a Consumer Complaint

To report a consumer complaint please contact the

Please note

We will not respond to any complaints received via the following email addresses. This service no longer provides any civil advice. If your complaint should be dealt with by Trading Standards, it will be referred to us by the Consumer Helpline.

Businesses requesting advice should contact us via the enquiry email.

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