
Blackstone Riverside Park

About the riverside park

The River Severn dictates the mood of this site - sometimes wild and dramatic, sometimes peaceful and calming. Wandering down a river path, kicking a ball about, enjoying a picnic, and fishing on the banks, are just a few of the many options for visitors at these meadows.

Site location

Blackstone Riverside Park, DY12 2TQ. Located just south of Bewdley on the B4194. Follow the brown and white tourist signs. Grid Reference: 789742.

Countryside sites survey

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Accessibility information
  • there are no parking spaces for disabled visitors 
  • all parking which is a rolled stone surface is close to picnic site and visitor information point
  • the site is flat in some areas with and a gentle slope in others
  • picnic area (with wheelchair accessible tables) is flat grass and suitable for wheelchairs and pushchairs

Ordnance Survey Landranger 138, Explorer 218.


Site facilities
  • parking
  • picnic area
  • on site walking
  • information

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