
C2056 & C2109 Croome (Croome Court) EXP POW

Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (as amended) 51²èÂ¥ (Malvern Hills District) (Civil Enforcement Area) (Waiting Restrictions and Street Parking Places) Consolidation Order 2013 (Variation) Order 2024 [Experimental Prohibition of Waiting on C2056 & C2109 Croome (Croome Court)]

On 1 August 2024 51²èÂ¥ made an Experimental Order which will impose prohibition of waiting at any time on the following lengths and sides roads in Croome: 

C2109 Croome (both sides) from its junction with the C2056 for a distance of 20m in a northerly direction.

C2056 Croome (both sides) from its junction with the C2109 for a distance of 50m in a westerly direction.

C2056 Croome (both sides) from its junction with the C2109 for a distance of 115m in a southerly direction.

C2056 Croome (both sides) from a point 190m south of its junction with the C2109 for a distance of 60m in a southerly direction.

The Experimental Order will come into operation on 29 August 2024 and remain in force for a maximum period if 18 months.

Documents in relation to this Order can be downloaded at the Malvern Hills Public Notice page on the 51²èÂ¥ Website or copies supplied by emailing roadtrafficregs@worcestershire.gov.uk; or writing to me at County Hall. 

The Experimental Order has been made to allow assessment of the effect of the Order before a decision is taken to make it permanent. If you wish to object /make representations about the order being made permanent you must do so in writing to me at County Hall or email roadtrafficregs@worcestershire.gov.uk  by 28 February 2025 specifying the grounds on which they are made.

Download C2056 &2019 Croome (Croome Court) Order and Plan documents

Issued by
Thomas Pollock, Head of Commercial Law
Legal and Governance, County Hall, Spetchley Road, Worcester WR5 2NP
Issue date