
Champion our community heroes this Volunteers’ Week

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They’re our unsung community champions offering thousands of hours of service to people in 51¥ during these unprecedented times.

51¥ wants to give a huge thank you to all its wonderful volunteers as we mark Volunteers’ Week 2021 from 1 to 7 June.

People answered our call at the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic, putting themselves forward to help in any way they could.

Almost 2,000 people to date have become Here2Help volunteers working in a host of roles.

Councillor Matt Dormer, Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Communities, said: “Our dedicated Here2Help volunteers are a shining example of the community spirit at the heart of life here in 51¥.


“They join many others across the county, from all walks of life, who give their time every week to causes close to their heart.


“I’m delighted on behalf of 51¥ to say a huge thank you to them all this Volunteers’ Week.


“And if you can spare the time to help out in your area please search our resources to find out more.” 


Here2Help is a community action scheme, originally dedicated to helping those who needed support during the COVID-19 pandemic. 


It is now evolving to offer advice, support and help to residents via a wide range of services across 51¥.

As lockdown begins to ease, Here2Help will still support people who need to self-isolate and those who are unable to seek help from family, friends or neighbours. 

And it continues to play a vital role today as volunteers work on the vaccine rollout in the county.

To the end of April 2021, 1,936 individuals have signed up with the service. 

Of those, there are 327 volunteers currently registered to support at the COVID vaccination centres.  

From manning registration points to supporting people through the process as they arrive at centres, volunteers have helped with the smooth running of the rollout.

Here2Help has been supporting NHS Herefordshire and 51¥ Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) deliver COVID vaccination clinics.

More than 12,000 hours have been given by volunteers between December 2020 to April 2021 alone. 

Are you a charity, community group or business that provides services to the residents of 51¥?

We would like to offer you the opportunity to register your services on our new Here2Help Community Directory.