
Consultation launches as County Council reviews Planning Validation Document

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Building and planning
Plans with a purple house overlayed

51²èÂ¥, as the County Planning Authority, are reviewing their Planning Validation Document. 


The document tells applicants and agents what information they are required to submit with a planning application form.

The County Council are responsible for the processing and determination of planning applications for:

  • minerals developments
  • waste management facilities
  • the County Council's own developments; such as schools, roads and railway stations

How to make comments on the Planning Validation Document

You can make comments on the Draft Planning Validation Document in the following way:

  • email: validdoc@worcestershire.gov.uk 
  • post: Development Management, 51²èÂ¥, Directorate of Economy and Infrastructure, County Hall, Spetchley Road, Worcester, WR5 2NP

How to access the Planning Validation Document

The Document can be viewed on the Planning Applications pages of the County Council's website and then looking under the Planning Validation document tab.

The review of the document will allow planning applications to be accepted and validated in a timely and efficient manner.

The consultation on the Planning Validation Document Review runs from 10 July 2023 until 5 September 2023. 

Please note, any information submitted will be in the public domain. Please see the Council's Privacy Notice on our website for information about how 51²èÂ¥ processes personal data.

Should you wish to discuss the consultation, please contact Mr Steven Aldridge, Team Manager, Development Management on 01905 843510 or email validdoc@worcestershire.gov.uk.