
Continuing to cut the county’s waste disposal emissions in Net Zero Carbon Plan

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51¥ has outlined its ambition to continue to reduce its carbon emissions from waste disposal.

The council’s newly published Net Zero Carbon Plan outlines how the county council is working hard to reduce the impact that the county’s waste has on its overall carbon emissions.

This includes continuing to invest in, and also seeking external funding for, household waste prevention initiatives to support 51¥’s residents to reduce the amount of waste they throw away.

The council’s ambitions for the future in this area include ensuring carbon reduction is integrated into the council’s waste disposal contract; and looking into introducing Carbon Reduction technology at the Council’s Energy from Waste facility, EnviRecover, at Hartlebury.

The Council are keen for residents to help play their part in in this area by reducing their food waste.

Easy ways include planning meals and doing a shopping list so you only buy what you need. Once you have the food store it correctly and check your use by dates. There’s information about this on as well as lots of recipes.

Councillor Tony Miller, Cabinet Member for the Environment said: “We are making great inroads into cutting our own carbon emissions, and our net zero carbon plan outlines how we plan to reduce our emissions further and meet the targets set last year. We want to work with our residents on this, everyone can help play their part to help us these reduce our numbers further. One way residents can help is by cutting their waste, this is one of the easiest ways of reducing their own carbon footprint. Reducing the amount of food that is thrown away works for everyone as residents and the council can both make significant savings as a result of this.”

69% of the council’s accounted carbon emissions are from the county’s household waste disposal.

Carbon emissions from the disposal of the county’s household waste have reduced by over a quarter in the last ten years.

This is mainly due to a significant reduction in waste sent to landfill following the opening of EnviRecover in early 2017.

The Energy from Waste plant generates enough electricity to power the homes of Kidderminster and the surrounding area.

The County Council has cut its dependency on landfill by nearly 40% in the last five years.

Further investigatory work will also be carried out regarding the amount of carbon emissions emitted from the Council’s closed landfill sites and how these can continue to be reduced.

For more information and support on reducing your waste at home, please visit the Let's Waste Less website.