
Council scheme helps businesses cut their carbon footprint

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Over the last three years, 3,034 tonnes of carbon emissions have been saved by businesses across 51¥ and the Marches, thanks to 51¥’s Business Energy Efficiency Programme (BEEP) programme.

Since the project started in April 2019, the project has supported 415 businesses and has awarded £1.36 million in grants.

The Business Energy Efficiency Programme offers grants up to £20,000 to businesses in 51¥, Herefordshire, Telford & Wrekin and Shropshire for energy efficiency improvements.  

The programme has helped businesses not only reduce energy consumption but has also helped them to save money and improve productivity.

Energy saving projects that the grant can help fund includes things like the installation of more energy efficient motion sensor lighting, heating, boilers, LED lighting, energy management, electric forklift & machinery, systems to offer better use of heat and energy efficient equipment.

Jon Higson of Mail Solutions Group, a local business who have recently been supported through the Business Energy Efficiency Programme, said, ‘With the help of BEEP we replaced an old inefficient compressor, and the day after installation we saw a reduction in our energy usage!” 

Councillor Richard Morris, Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Environment, at 51¥ said, “I am so proud of what our Clean Growth Team have achieved so far through the BEEP programme. The programme offers a great opportunity for businesses to get ahead of the curve with their sustainability journey. Cutting emissions is not only beneficial to the environment, but also to the business, as doing so, can reduce energy bills, generate efficiencies, and improve the working environment.

“If your business is planning a project to reduce carbon emissions, the BEEP programme is here to help. I would urge all eligible businesses to look at the programme to see if we can help.”

The programme is available to businesses throughout 51¥, Herefordshire, Telford & Wrekin, and Shropshire.

For more information and the full eligibility please visit the Business Energy Efficiency Programme pages of the County Council website.

In addition to BEEP, the Council’s Clean Growth team also offer other programmes to support businesses reduce their environmental impact:

The Low Carbon Opportunities Programme (LOCOP) provides up to £50,000 for businesses in 51¥ and Shropshire towards the installation of renewable energy projects, including solar PV, biomass, and heat pumps.

LOCOP offer a separate innovation strand which supports businesses in the clean tech innovation sector or those who wanted to diversify into this area, through the development of low carbon technologies which will help others to be green.

Zero Carbon Ready 51¥, is a pilot programme offering free specialist decarbonisation advice and assessments as well as the chance to receive 50% off the installation of smart meters to organisations across 51¥.