
County Council has declared a Climate Emergency

Published date

51²èÂ¥ declared a Climate Emergency at yesterday’s Full Council meeting

By declaring a Climate Emergency, the Council acknowledges the need to act on the causes and impacts of climate change, and commits to reducing greenhouse gas emissions to net zero from Council activities and operations by 2050.

This decision follows an amendment to the notice of motion put forward by Labour and Liberal Democrat County Councillors at yesterday’s Full Council meeting regarding Climate Change.

The amendment, which was voted through, committed to declare a climate emergency, whilst also:

  • endorsing the Councils ambitious Net Zero Carbon Plan
  • continuing to work with our partner authorities to review and update all relevant strategies
  • establishing a Member Advisory Group to assist with the future revision of plan and report annually on actions taken
  • reaffirms the target of reaching net carbon neutral by 2050 in line with the Government’s target

Councillor Tony Miller, Cabinet Member for Environment, said: “We’ve agreed to join a number of partners and local authorities in declaring a climate emergency. This amendment agreed at Council yesterday will allow us to build on the great progress we have made in recent years in addressing climate change and reducing the Council’s emissions.

“Our Net Zero Carbon Plan outlines our commitment to reducing the Council’s carbon emissions across a number of scopes, including emissions from waste disposal, council buildings, street lighting and through partnership working with contractors. Our Zero Carbon and Sustainability Board is leading the way and is identifying funding options for investment in renewable energy on the Council’s estate, and energy efficiency improvements in our building stock and street lighting assets.â€

The Council’s first Net Zero Carbon Plan was approved towards the end of 2020 and sets out how the Council aims to reach its targets in this area.

To date, the Council has reduced its GHG emissions by 40% since 2009/2010.

To view the plan online, please visit the Sustainable Council pages of the County Council website.