
County’s bus services being discussed at May’s OSPB

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The Council

Residents are encouraged to attend and have their say as the County Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Performance Board discuss Bus Services in 51¥.

Their next meeting is on the 25 May at County Hall.

The meeting is also being webcast from the Council Chamber from 2pm.

Officers have been asked to present a update report to the panel following the recent unsuccessful Bus Service Improvement Plan funding bid, and the ongoing Passenger Transport Strategy.

Councillor Tom Wells, Chairman of Overview and Scrutiny Panel said: “This meeting is a real opportunity for the Board to discuss the current situation with bus travel in the county and how bus services may change and operate in the future. We will be speaking to officers and finding out the current situation  to ensure and our residents get the services they need and deserve.”

The Department for Transport has asked the Council to undertake a full review of the commercial network in 51¥ and officers at County Hall are already working on this. 

The review will ensure that the Council has a clear view of where the county is currently in terms of bus travel; taking into account the changes in passenger demand and the impact on fare revenue.

The Council will then use the findings of the review to examine what service levels are required going forward and what is commercially viable for the future.

The webcast of the meeting is available to view on the County Council website:

Residents are invited to attend the meeting, participate  and to have their say.

If you would like to speak at the meeting, please contact the Scrutiny Team in writing or by e-mail indicating the nature and content of your proposed participation no later than 9am on the working day before the meeting.

For further details on how to get involved in meetings at County Hall please visit Get Involved: Attend Meetings at the County Hall.