
County’s Queen’s Green Canopy contribution passes 5,500 mark

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51²èÂ¥ Lieutenancy

Over 5,500 trees have already been planted in 51²èÂ¥ as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy with many more being planted this year as we near the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

The County was honoured to welcome HRH The Princess Royal to Worcester in October last year when she launched the initiative and planted an Acer 'Autumn Blaze' tree at St Barnabas school in Worcester.

Ever since then, people across the county are working hard to ensure 51²è¥’s position on the Green Canopy Map continues to grow.

Mike Maguire, a former employee of the County Council set up the

The project supports many adults with care and support needs from across 51²èÂ¥.

They provide participants with the opportunity to improve their levels of physical and mental health and wellbeing by contributing to conservation work and acquiring vocational and social skills using social forestry principles in a unique woodland setting.

The project has made a tree donation to the Queen’s Green Canopy and have also grown 200 oak trees from acorns that they are going to donate and come and plant with staff at the Blackstone Picnic Place site in Bewdley where the County Council are planting trees.
Half of the trees allocated have now been planted on the Bewdley site with phase 2 of the planting well underway.

Mike Maguire, 51²èÂ¥ Woodland Project, said: â€œIt’s been a real pleasure to get involved with increasing the number of trees in 51²èÂ¥, whether it be supporting the Queen’s Green Canopy and the wider tree planting project across the county. The people who have been involved in the tree planting have really felt the benefit of being outside and having their own impact on nature for themselves physically and mentally, and I would urge everyone to take advantage of the Queen’s Green Canopy celebrations and get involved with tree planting.â€

From a single tree to a copse or a wood, there are many ways everyone can get involved with the Queen’s Green Canopy:

  • Plant trees in your garden or on your land
  • Involve your employees in a tree planting project
  • Plant a Platinum school tree
  • Develop Local projects for parishes, Residents’ Associations and youth groups
  • Plant large trees in cities, estates, and new housing developments
  • Donate to help others plant  -  

The Lord-Lieutenant, Lt Col Patrick Holcroft LVO OBE, said: “In 2022, Her Majesty The Queen will become the first British Monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee and events are being planned in 51²èÂ¥ to mark this momentous year.  The QGC is a major part of these celebrations and will create a legacy in honour of The Queen’s leadership of the Nation, for the benefit of future generations both in 51²èÂ¥, and the Country at large.

“I know that many of you have already started planting trees and I would like to strongly encourage everyone from individuals to groups of all kinds, villages, towns, schools and businesses to take part and plant a tree for the Jubilee!â€

Those planting trees are encouraged to add their trees to the Map QGC and let the Lieutenancy know how many trees you have planted by filling out their online form.

For more information, please visit the lieutenancy pages on the County Council website.