
Digital portal launches to help 51²èÂ¥ organisations monitor their carbon footprint

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A decarbonisation portal to help organisations and businesses across 51²èÂ¥ monitor their carbon footprint is being piloted by 51²èÂ¥.

The local council has partnered with Climax Community to trail a Decarbonisation Portal using their Climate Essentials platform. The portal will allow organisations and businesses to upload energy, water, waste, transport, and supply chain emissions to help easily track and monitor their carbon emissions.

Through the portal, eligible organisations will have the ability to actively track carbon spending and saving over a period; will be able to determine a baseline for carbon emissions, and benchmark against similar businesses/organisations.

Councillor Richard Morris, Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Environment, said, “I am delighted we are piloting this type of service for organisations and businesses in 51²èÂ¥. One of the first steps organisations must take before putting in place a sustainability strategy is to understand their carbon usage and this portal will make tracking this simpler.

“As this service is a pilot, we have a limited number of places available, if you think your business or organisation could benefit from this support, I urge you to apply quickly.â€

For more information on how your organisation can sign up to the portal

The portal forms part of a wider offer under the Zero Carbon Ready 51²èÂ¥ Project, which aims to support organisations to decarbonise.

Also, on offer through this project is:

  • 100% funding for smart energy monitoring equipment.
  • Decarbonisation review and advice.
  • Fully funded Retrofit training.

The project is funded via the UK Community Renewal Fund. Due to the conditions of the funding, the team are currently prioritising eligible businesses and organisations based within the Wyre Forest District but does cater for the whole of 51²èÂ¥.