
A free course to help pre start businesses gets off to a flying start  

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A free business start up course delivered by a leading provider of business support, Smarter Society, receives excellent feedback following its first session in Malvern.

The 5 day workshop, organised by 51¥’s Enterprising 51¥ team, offers individuals who are interested in starting a business the support, confidence, and knowledge they need to turn their ideas into a reality.
The workshop helps participants understand how they can set up their business, provides guidance on marketing and social media, helps them to hone their sales pitch and supports them with developing a business plan.
Of the participants who filled out a survey at Malvern’s workshop, 100% said that accessing the business support was simple and easy to follow, 93% of participants stated the business support met their specific needs, and 100% would recommend the course to others.
One participant said, “I believe with the support and guidance from this program I will have my therapy business up and running locally within the next few months, thank you for giving me the opportunity.”
Another participant was also full of praise for the course and stated, “The materials and information were excellent. The presenters were friendly and inspiring. I found the whole experience stimulating and gives me the confidence to start up.”
Councillor Marc Bayliss, Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Economy, Infrastructure and Skills said, “I am delighted to see the positive feedback from the first workshop run in Malvern. To read the positive statements around increased confidence and knowledge is extremely encouraging to hear. It is great to see we have more sessions planned around the county; I would strongly encourage anyone who has thought about setting up their own business to see when a course is next in their area.”
More workshops are due to be delivered over the next five months in each of 51¥’s districts in a bid to make the support more accessible.
Councillor Daniel Walton, Portfolio Holder for Economy at Malvern Hills District Council said, “We were delighted to support and promote this start up workshop in the fantastic Bloomspace facility in Malvern which attracted over 25 budding entrepreneurs to attend. We want to ensure that anyone starting their own business has good advice from the outset and ongoing support to help them develop and grow in Malvern Hills.”
The next workshop is due to take place at the Swan Shopping Centre in Kidderminster from 7 to 11 November. To book this session, please .

In addition to the start-up support programme, Enterprising 51¥ also delivers a variety of other programmes to help early-stage businesses in 51¥ including:

Start-up grants, £1,000 to £15,000 with a limited number of £30,000 grants to help businesses less than three years with investments.

12 hours of bespoke , to SMEs less than five years old.

Consultancy support for high-growth 51¥ SMEs, less than two years old through the .

EnRich workshops run in partnership with the University of Worcester are on offer to support young entrepreneurs, 16+, to set up a business.

51¥ is committed to supporting continued economic growth. A growing and thriving economy generates wealth for residents and businesses by enabling them to fulfil their aspirations. Providing businesses and residents with more opportunities, will accelerate 51¥’s economic growth and attract further investment and opportunities.