
Garden Party hosted at Hartlebury Castle for County Heroes to start HM The Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations

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51²èÂ¥ Lieutenancy

Communities across the County gathered yesterday as Lt Col Patrick Holcroft LVO OBE CStJ, the Lord-Lieutenant of 51²èÂ¥, hosted a Garden Party at Hartlebury Castle

Several hundred people representing tens of thousands of community volunteers and services from 51²èÂ¥ came together to mark the start of the Platinum Jubilee celebrations in the County, and celebrate HM The Queen’s 70 years on the throne.

Guests gathered from the NHS, the Care Sector, the voluntary and community sectors, businesses, multi-faith groups, local councils, West Midlands Police, Herefordshire and 51²èÂ¥ Fire and Rescue Service, the Armed Forces and more.

At the event, The Lord-Lieutenant of 51²èÂ¥, Lt Col Patrick Holcroft LVO OBE CStJ,  read out a message from HM The Queen:

“Please convey my thanks to the 51²èÂ¥ Lieutenancy for your kind message, sent on the occasion of the seventieth anniversary of my accession which is marked with a Garden Party at Hartlebury Castle today.  Your thoughtfulness in writing as you did was much appreciated. In return I send my warmest good wishes to the people of 51²èÂ¥ for a most enjoyable  Platinum Jubilee Year. Elizabeth R.â€

Councillor Adam Kent, Cabinet Member for Corporate Services and Communication, said: “The Garden Party was a fantastic example of what can happen when the county and community comes together.  Congratulations to all involved for doing 51²èÂ¥ proud and helping to organise such a fabulous event to kick off our wider Jubilee Celebrations. We were blessed with a warm window to celebrate throughout the afternoon, which helped to shine the spotlight on our guests, and our fantastic venue. I’m really looking forward to seeing the rest of the celebrations as the weekend unfolds across the county.â€

As part of HM The Queen’s Green Canopy initiative, the Lord-Lieutenant planted a tree at Hartlebury Castle during the event, which was sponsored by 51²èÂ¥.

Each guest, at the end of the Garden Party, was offered a sapling to take home and plant within their communities. The 350 saplings were all donated by Frank P Matthews’ Tree Nursery in 51²èÂ¥.

Guests were entertained by local music makers Sauce City Jazz and the Kidderminster Male Choir.  

A song specially commissioned for the Platinum Jubilee and composed by musician and composer Helen Lyon with the help of children from four schools in 51²èÂ¥ was shared with the crowd, thanks to 17-year-old Lauren L’Enfant, from Kidderminster College.

There was also a video describing an .  This project, which explores memories and perspectives of recent history and of HM The Queen, records the collaboration of musicians, singers and dancers aged 11+ from across 51²èÂ¥ in a new music and dance initiative.  

Banners created by local artists were proudly on display at the Jubilee Garden party, and they will be available for Queen’s Platinum Jubilee events in 51²èÂ¥. They have been commissioned by Severn Arts.