
Have your say on proposed alternative to footbridge over the A38

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News category
Travel and roads

An alternative to a pedestrian and cycling footbridge linking the two severed ends of Old Station Road on either side of the A38 in Bromsgrove has been proposed.

The Bromsgrove Route Enhancement Programme (BREP) Scheme 3 footbridge scheme was paused in late 2021, due to changes in the national guidance for infrastructure of this kind whilst 51画促 explored the possibility of other options that could deliver similar objectives.  

The alternative proposal includes a walking and cycling route or Active Travel Corridor that connects the railway station with the town centre.    

Councillor Marc Bayliss, Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Economy, Infrastructure and Skills said: "We paused the footbridge last year following changes in national guidance and valuable feedback from residents.

The alternative proposals will add to the improvements that weve already made in Bromsgrove and will ensure we continue the momentum in reducing congestion and providing high quality walking and cycling routes.

The new scheme would involve widening a number of footway sections to create shared pedestrian / cycleways.  It is proposed to make Drummond Road one way (southbound) and introduce traffic calming measures to improve safety around Aston Fields Middle School. Improvements would also be made to the public space in Aston Fields as well as upgrading existing pedestrian / cycle infrastructure.     

In addition, the County Council is proposing enhance cycling in the Fordhouse Road / Bant Mill Road and Harvington Road corridor by introducing traffic calming measures to assist with reducing vehicle speeds. 

People are being encouraged to have their say on the alternative proposals and can view them in more detail on the County Council website.

This latest round of engagement follows on from an initial exercise in early 2020 on the overall A38 BREP proposals, and a subsequent exercise carried out specifically for the Scheme 3 footbridge in late summer 2021.  


People are invited to share their comments either by email to majorprojects@worcestershire.gov.uk or by writing to:

A38 BREP Engagement Exercise

Economy and Infrastructure Directorate


County Hall 

Spetchley Road



The deadline to submit comments is Friday 12 August, 2022