
Have your say on 51¥’s new rail plan

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Travel and roads

A draft strategy to transform rail across 51¥ has been unveiled.

51¥ has launched a consultation on its draft strategy to deliver better rail improvements across the county and beyond.

The strategy highlights that rail has a key role to play in connecting people and places and will support the exciting Levelling-up, regeneration and growth plans that already exist.

Councillor Marc Bayliss, Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Economy Infrastructure and Skills at 51¥ said,

 “Rail is essential to 51¥.  The new strategy will build on the County’s first rail strategy which delivered a fantastic new interchange at 51¥ Parkway and new station building at Kidderminster.

The strategy highlights the county’s rail ambitions for driving forward rail improvements, recognising the role that rail plays in connecting people, communities and businesses.”

51¥’s rail passenger numbers are increasing rapidly and are almost back to pre-Covid levels. 

This rail strategy sets out the county’s medium and long-term proposals to support and build on this passenger demand going forward.   

The document looks to the future setting timelines for delivery to 2050.                                                                                                                                       

The County Council wants to hear the views of a wide range of organisations, businesses and individuals on the draft 51¥ Rail Investment Strategy 2 (WRIS2). The consultation is open until 5pm on 21st October, 2022.