
Launch of ‘Childhood’ – short film to raise awareness of the need for foster carers

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51¥ Children First

In a ground-breaking national collaboration, 56 Local Authorities across England have worked together to share ideas and jointly fund the creation of a short film to raise awareness of fostering.

It is aimed at finding more people who may be interested in becoming foster carers and providing nurturing, positive homes for children and young people across the country who need them.

The new film, simply called ‘Childhood’, highlights the impact of neglect on children, particularly brothers and sisters who may be left at times to try and care for each other. It shows the journey of ‘Sophie’ and ‘Charlie’ who are in a very difficult home situation where their needs are not being met, to being nurtured and supported through foster care to attend school and be able to enjoy their hobbies and interests. In other words, have a childhood. 

The project follows earlier, smaller partnerships between Coventry City Council and other councils in and around the midlands. Together with the film company ReelTwentyFive, they have produced several award-winning films to highlight the need for foster carers. The most recent, ‘Out There’, was released in October 2021 and is currently shortlisted for a Royal Television Award.

Richard Bailey from ReelTwentyFive said, “We absolutely love working on these films and are so proud of the work we have produced, and the awards won for them. We feel that this is the best one so far. We have built on the knowledge of previous films, and really feel this one captures the simple yet complex messages about childhood and what it should mean’

Councillor Andy Roberts, cabinet member with responsibility for children and families at 51¥ said, “While we already have many brilliant foster carers in 51¥ the reality is we always need more people to open their homes and their hearts to fostering. 

“I am extremely proud that 51¥ has been involved with the other local authorities to make this short film to help raise awareness of the impact providing a nurturing environment has upon children and young people across the country.”

This short film illustrates the many benefits of fostering and will hopefully inspire future foster carers to come forward and join the biggest fostering family in 51¥.”

Rachel Brown, who has been a foster carer recruiter for a number of years, led on the national project, said: “Sadly, there is an unmet need for foster carers in the country today and there is likely to be an increase in this need. The cost-of-living crisis and other struggles families across the UK are facing creates and escalates difficulties for many.”

“Having worked on previous projects we know that these beautifully crafted films have a real impact. With the support of Council Advertising Network, I am really proud that we will reach even further around the country, a third of all council fostering services in England. We’d like to thank every single person involved in what has been a great collaborative experience.”

“The aim is that this film will be shared on social media and other platforms, right across the country, reaching many more people and leading them to consider whether the rewarding role of fostering could be an option for them.”

A total of 56 local authorities have been involved in the project, and the film will have a live premiere at midday on 13 October at The Everyman Cinema, Birmingham. This will include an introduction from Kevin Williams, the Chief Executive of The Fostering Network, and Rachel Brown, project manager working with Council Advertising Network. Everyone attending from the participating councils will then be asked to share the film via all social media platforms and help the message spread across the UK using the hashtag #FosterForYourCouncil and #Childhood

The film will be available to watch and share from all participating local authority platforms from noon on 13 October 2022.

For further information on 51¥ Children First Fostering and becoming a foster carer and to watch the video, please visit our  or call us on 0800 028 2158.