
Less than two weeks remaining to apply for next year’s high school places

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Is your child due to start high school next year?

There are less than two weeks left to complete your application for a child who is transitioning to high school in September 2022.

The deadline for high school applications closes on 31 October 2021.

The application system is currently open for any child due to start school for the first time, or transitioning to a Middle or High School in September 2022.

Parents are encourage to apply for a place at High school, before the deadline of 31 October 2021.

Parents applying for places at Primary, First, Infant, Junior and Middle schools have until 15 January 2022 to complete their application.

Councillor Marcus Hart, cabinet member with responsibility for Education at 51¥ said: “As a parent myself, I know how much of a big step starting school or transitioning to a new school is in our young people’s lives and our team work hard each year to make sure that transition is as smooth as possible. Every child that has applied for a place over the last few years has been offered one and we’re really proud of how many people get to attend their first choice school. In order to ensure this continues, we would remind parents to try and apply as early as possible and make sure that the deadlines for admissions are met to avoid missing out on a 2022 place.”

Parents and carers can apply for their child’s school place via a secure online portal any time before 12 midnight on the relevant deadline day. 

Offers of school places will also be able to view via the same portal on High School Offer Day next March.

Letters and guides on starting school or transitioning to a new school have been distributed by schools, and they are also available to view on the dedicated School Admissions pages of the County Council website.

If you do not have access to the internet, you can get online at any 51¥ library or if you require additional assistance please do not hesitate to talk to your school or to call School Admissions on 01905 822700.

To make an application or for more information on starting a new school, please visit the dedicated School Admissions pages of the County Council website.