
‘Libraries Unlocked’ launches in Droitwich and Stourport

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51¥ has invested in new technology which now offers longer opening hours at Droitwich and Stourport Libraries.

Libraries Unlocked is a new service which provides more flexibility for customers and community groups to use their local library at times that are convenient to them, such as before or after work and on previously closed weekdays.

From today, Droitwich Library and Stourport Library customers who upgrade to free Libraries Unlocked membership can use their library card to visit the library outside normal opening hours, when staff are not present.

They will have the flexibility to use the library between 8am to 8pm, six days a week, including Wednesday which is currently a closed day.  

Customers will continue to have access to valued support from library staff throughout the week but can visit the library outside staffing hours to borrow or return books, use a free computer or free wi-fi, use a study desk, meet with friends or a social connecting interest group, hire a library meeting room, take part in an adult learning class or get business support from a BIPC Advisor.

Councillor Marcus Hart, Cabinet Member for Communities at 51¥, said “Libraries are at the heart of our communities across 51¥, and I’m very pleased that we’re developing new approaches that work around our residents’ busy lives.”

“Change is not a new concept for our libraries which, over the last decade, have introduced self-service technology, established libraries as community service hubs, opened The Hive, co-located with new service partners, developed new learning, health and wellbeing and business support offers, introduced e resources and online library services and increased the support offers from volunteers.

“Libraries are talking to local partners to get the best community use out of the new ‘Libraries Unlocked’ offer.”

Libraries Unlocked membership is for ages 16 and over. Under 16s can visit the library during Libraries Unlocked opening hours if they are accompanied by a Libraries Unlocked member.

Library members who wish to upgrade to Libraries Unlocked membership will be required to complete a short induction. To arrange a Libraries Unlocked induction library members can visit Droitwich or Stourport Library and speak to a member of library staff or call 01905 822722 to make an appointment.

Libraries Unlocked membership is also available to new library members who are 16 or over.

To become a library member at Droitwich Library or Stourport Library please visit during core opening hours when staff will be available.

51¥’s Library Strategy 2020 to 2025 makes a commitment to increase community use of libraries, invest in new technology and new service delivery models to future-proof the library network, and keep libraries open.

For more information on the county’s libraries or to view the Library Strategy in full, please visit the libraries webpage on the Council's Website.

For more information, including new opening hours visit the libraries unlocked webpage on the Council's Website.