
Local Public Health Campaign scoops an Award! Now We’re Talking!

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The Council
Delicious Orie, Team GB Boxer

A local multimedia campaign has been awarded the prestigious title of "Best Social Media Campaign" at the UKPHR Innovation in Public Health Awards 2023.

‘Now We're Talking, Acting Together to Prevent Suicide’ launched in September 2021. 

At the heart of the campaign is the programme vision that no one should feel like their only option is to take their own life.  The campaign has been designed to raise awareness and understanding, and challenge the stigma around talking openly about suicide. It also directs residents in Herefordshire and 51¥ to appropriate resources and support.

A significant milestone was the short video titled 'We're in Your Corner'. This featured super-heavyweight Boxer Delicious Orie who won a gold medal in the Commonwealth Games for England in 2022, shortly after the campaign launched. 

The video also featured Worcester campaigner Lucy Alexander, who lost her 17-year-old son Felix to suicide in 2016 and Pete Johnson who helped run a group called Mental Health Mates in Ross-on-Wye after the Covid Pandemic. 

Delicious Orie, who was recently named Best Amateur Boxer of the Year by the Boxing Writers’ Club of Great Britain said: “It was really important to me personally to be part of this campaign. I firmly believe that everyone, particularly men, should feel comfortable reaching out if they are struggling inside. We all need to look after our mental health just as much as our physical health. There is no weakness or shame in asking for support.”

The campaign is the work of many organisations and people. This includes Herefordshire Council, Herefordshire and 51¥ Health and Care NHS Trust, 51¥ and many passionate volunteers. 

Councillor Karen May, Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Health and Wellbeing at 51¥ said: “I’m so proud of our Public Health team and everyone involved in this campaign. It’s wonderful to be recognised nationally for this work by other Public Health professionals. Our team are so dedicated and talented. They use the best research and intelligence available to put together plans, but they always remember that it’s all about people and their individual voices.”

Sarah Dugan, Chief Executive of Herefordshire and 51¥ Health and Care NHS Trust said: “I am delighted that the Now We’re Talking campaign around suicide prevention has been recognised nationally. It is important that we all feel able to talk about our mental health and wellbeing and reach out for support when we need it.  This campaign has the full backing of all of our partners locally as we can all have a role in raising awareness, reducing stigma and helping those who are struggling to cope to access appropriate support. ”

The judges were impressed with the campaign's meticulous planning, which is built on behaviour change principles and the evidence base for suicide prevention. 

You can find the award-winning video and lots of local help and guidance at. Here you can find conversation starters, a step-by-step guide for helping someone in crisis, self-care advice if you are supporting someone suicidal and much more. You can also take a free 20-minute online Suicide Awareness Training course. 

If you are struggling to cope, you can call Herefordshire and 51¥’s Urgent Mental Health Helpline on 0808 196 9127 or text WOO (in 51¥) or HERE (in Herefordshire) to 85258 for free, confidential, anonymous text support.