
Love and look after our parks

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This week is Love Our Parks Week and the County Council are taking the opportunity to remind residents to look after the county’s greenspaces.

As people are getting out and about more, it’s important everyone does their bit to ensure 51¥ remains beautiful.

A Respect Parks Code has been launched by Keep Britain Tidy and the County Council is fully supporting its principles of protecting, respecting and loving our parks.

This year’s campaign started on 23 July and runs to 1 August 2021.

Councillor Matt Dormer, Cabinet Member for Communities, said: “Over the next few weeks, the weather is set to brighten up be beautiful and really shine a light on our glorious 51¥ countryside. I really would encourage anyone visiting our parks, picnic areas or open spaces to respect the environment.

“You can do this by leaving no trace, and taking your rubbish with you. BBQs and fires are not permitted on the County Council’s countryside sites. With warm weather, the risk of fires spreading is increased. Please play your part and help us to keep our 51¥ looking wonderful.”

51¥ manages St Wulstan’s Nature Reserve, Waseley Hills Country Park and Worcester Woods Country Park, there are also plenty of picnic places and commons to visit.

To find out more about the Keep Britain Tidy campaign, please visit . 

See the full list of country parks in 51¥ by visit the countryside pages on the County Council website

Find out what the council does to support wildlife rich habitats on the dedicated pages of the website.