
Making new connections with 51¥ Libraries

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Meeting other people during an activity is a great way to feel connected to others and the community around us. 

It’s Loneliness Awareness Week, an initiative by the Marmalade Trust, to raise awareness of loneliness and help people to make new connections. 

Latest research* shows that people in 51¥ are some of the least lonely in the county. This doesn’t mean we can take being part of a community for granted.

Taking part in social activities and forging connections with others can significantly reduce feelings of loneliness and improve overall wellbeing. Our 21 libraries offer a wide range of free services to help 51¥ residents to stay connected. 

Library Connect Groups and online Connect Bubbles help to tackle social isolation by bringing people together over shared interests. Groups cover a wide range of interests including books & reading, languages, board and card games, LGBTQ+, reminiscence, art & craft, photography, and more.

The impact of these groups is evident, as 96% of Connect Group participants reported an increase in social interaction, 72% felt more connected to their local community, 50% experienced an increase in self-confidence, and 31% felt more positive about their mental and physical health.

In addition to Connect Groups, libraries provide a range of free events and activities for all ages. Connect with other parents, share experiences, and make lifelong friends at our Storytime and Bounce & Rhyme sessions. Other groups include Lego club and book clubs for children, coding clubs and homework help for young people, and health walks, business workshops, and talks and lectures for adults. 

Libraries also offer volunteering and work experience opportunities for individuals of all ages, further contributing to the sense of community and engagement.

Councillor Marcus Hart, Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Communities said: “Loneliness Awareness Week is an important reminder that together, we can combat loneliness and build a stronger, more supportive society. Through a range of activities and events, including our connect groups and bubbles, 51¥ Libraries are creating a supportive environment where individuals can connect with like-minded people and foster meaningful relationships.”

All libraries also have a Reading Well Collection that provides self-help information and support for managing common mental health conditions or dealing with difficult feelings and experiences. Some books also include personal stories from people living with or caring for someone with mental health needs.

For more information visit the 51¥ Libraries section of the 51¥ website.   

*reference our previous release 51¥, a place where loneliness is everyone’s business