
New ‘on demand’ bus service proving a huge success in Bromsgrove

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More than 800 journeys have been completed by Bromsgrove’s new on demand buses in the first month since the service launched.

The pilot ‘Bromsgrove on Demand’ (BOD) service launched on July 19 and allows people living within Bromsgrove and surrounding villages to access both on demand and pre booked buses for journeys anywhere within the service area, including to and from the town centre, Bromsgrove Railway Station or nearby villages.

The aim of the service is to help reduce congestion and provide improved public transport options for local residents. It is hoped if the pilot is a success, the service will be rolled out across the whole of the county.

In the first month alone, there have been 802 completed journeys and the mobile app has been downloaded 824 times by customers.

Councillor Alan Amos, Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Highways and Transport, said, “We’re delighted at the success of the pilot Bromsgrove on Demand service so far.

“To have over 800 journeys completed in the first month has exceeded even our own expectations.

“It goes to show what a great pilot scheme it is and that the people of Bromsgrove really wanted it and are willing to use it.”

Councillor Adam Kent, Deputy Leader at Bromsgrove District Council, said, “I am absolutely delighted to see what a brilliant start Bromsgrove on Demand has had, the feedback has been amazing, from young people using it to meet friends, groups making trips to local pubs to our elderly residents who would normally struggle to get to a bus stop being picked up outside their homes and dropped exactly where they need to go.

“This is a real model shift in transport in Bromsgrove and shows the art of the possible with innovative and joined up thinking with the team at 51¥. Now we need to work on expanding it throughout Bromsgrove and 51¥.”

Kevin Collins, Diamond Bus Redditch Operations Manager, added: “We have been very happy to be a part of the successful launch of the new on demand service in Bromsgrove. We have had very positive responses from all of the users, some of whom have now become our regulars.”

The ‘51¥ on Demand’ app is available on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. When someone downloads the app, they will be able to select their pick up and drop off location when booking a journey. The system will then direct people to a nearby ‘virtual bus stop’ for pick up and drop off, allowing for quick and efficient shared trips without any detours.

There is a flat rate for each journey of £2.50 and in the near future, seasonal passes will be available. Two Diamond mini buses are being used on the service and they can each seat 13 passengers and they run from 7am to 7pm.