
Next step for Bromsgrove’s newest walking and cycling bridge

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Travel and roads

A brand-new footbridge in Bromsgrove is progressing well and has now had its bridge beams installed.

The beams will join up the segregated cycle and footway between Charford Road and Harvington Road in Bromsgrove.

The footbridge, once complete, will allow for better access by walking and cycling as part of a range of improvements along the whole A38 corridor.

Councillor Alan Amos, Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Highways and Transport for 51¥, said: “The schemes to complete the Bromsgrove Route Enhancement Programme on the A38 are gathering pace, with yet another element to improve walking and cycling connectivity being moved into place last month.

“This bridge, alongside other infrastructure improvements in the A38 corridor will vastly improve walking and cycling routes in the area.”

The bridge beams were lifted into place over two nights, late last month, on the 22 and 23 July.

Further works will be needed before the bridge becomes operational including the connection to the existing shared use footway network on both sides.

It is expected that the bridge will be open for public use in the Autumn.

For more information about the A38 BREP scheme visit BREP pages.