
Our new-look website

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The Council

We have launched a new website to provide residents with a much-improved digital experience.

The launch follows a three-month trial launch giving residents the opportunity to have their say.


In its first revamp in almost a decade
, the County Council’s website now has a brand-new look and feel, making it easier to navigate and more mobile-friendly as over 70% of people visiting the website now do so via a mobile device.

The needs of the county’s residents have been the focus of everything the Council has updated on the new site.

Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Corporate Services and Communication, Adam Kent said:

“Our new website has been built with mobile in mind, making it easier for our residents to access the services they need digitally.

Residents have been involved in this journey every step of the way through roadshows, user testing, workshops and surveys and the feedback, they have provided us before and during the trial launch has been really valuable.”

“We are now in a world where digital accessibility, improved connectivity and communication are all essential in how we ensure our residents have access to the information and services they need from the County Council, so the improvement to the website is timely.


Providing faster, more productive responses with transactional services and information available through our residents own devices, twenty four hours a day and seven days a week will deliver a much improved and more efficient experience.”  

The website has changed significantly with an improved events section, news area and navigation. It has also taken on a more visual feel with images provided by 51¥ Camera Club.  

The ability to search the website has been improved, making it easier for residents to access the services and support they need when visiting the website by using the improved search function.

The layout has been made to be as clear and simple as possible and uses plain language to promote accessibility and inclusivity.