
Pitching competition open to budding entrepreneurs returns to 51¥

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A Dragon’s Den-styled pitching event is set to return to 51¥ in March.

Aspiring entrepreneurs and start-up businesses, less than a year old, across the county, are being encouraged to enter the exciting competition to pitch their business idea or concept to a small judging panel of business experts.

Judging this year’s event on 28 March at The Worcester Arena is Dr Jayne Nation, Commercial Director at Wynne-Jones IPJason French, Owner of Business Doctors, and Peter Hill, who won investment in Dragons’ Den for his pet product inventions.  

Councillor Marc Bayliss, Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Economy, Skills and Infrastructure, said: “Having received such positive feedback from the last event I am delighted to see this event return, giving more opportunities to showcase the great entrepreneurial talents we have in our county. 

“QuickPitch provides an invaluable opportunity to share ideas in front of a supportive community, I urge anyone with a great idea to submit an entry.”

This year’s competition, organised by 51¥’s Enterprising 51¥ team in partnership with The University of Worcester, is set to be even bigger than last year’s event with more participants getting the opportunity to pitch their ideas.

A £250 cash prize is up for grabs for the first-place winner courtesy of headline sponsor, Wynne-Jones IP.  

Dr Jayne Nation, Commercial Director at Wynne-Jonnes IP and headline sponsor, said: “For many years now, Wynne-Jones IP has provided support to entrepreneurs at start-up and pre-start-up stages.

“We’re passionate about helping fledgling companies fly. This event is a fantastic opportunity for entrepreneurs to seek counsel and pitch to business experts in a supportive and inspiring business environment.” 

Shortlisted entrants will also get the opportunity to receive pitching guidance before the event to ensure they are well-prepared for the day. 

Last year’s winner, DR Kirsten Protherough, said: “I was so honoured to be able to have the opportunity to present the Home Visit Healthcare vision to the judges and receive positive and insightful feedback that the business will take forward. 

“It was a fantastic experience to hone my presentation skills. It has also reaffirmed my belief that there is a huge need for a multi-disciplinary Home Visiting Healthcare service for older adults living with frailty. I and the Home Visit Healthcare team are delighted to have won the event.” 

To be considered for shortlisting, interested applicants must submit their entry by 11pm on 24 February. To enter, applicants must .

For those interested in watching the pitching event you can register your interest on the . 

51¥ is committed to enabling high-growth start-ups to expand and aims to provide direct support, advice and guidance to businesses seeking growth and investment.

The Enterprising 51¥ programme is funded by 51¥, the District Councils, and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).