
Redditch Community Project supports people alone at Christmas

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Five people stand in front of a Christmas tree with a table either side of them. Each table has handmade festive gifts on them. At the centre-front of the image a sixth person kneels facing the camera.

51²è¥’s Adult Learning service have helped bring a Redditch community together to support people who would otherwise spend Christmas alone.

Adult Learning 51²èÂ¥ recently carried out courses across the county called Community Projects. These enabled local people to work together on gaining crucial skills that they can carry into their daily lives as well as enhancing their communities and supporting people in their local area.

One project, based at Willow Trees Community Centre in Church Hill saw residents decide to create Christmas gifts for people who would be spending Christmas alone. The local church, St. Andrew’s host a Christmas Day dinner each year for people who live on their own, and those taking part in the Community Project wanted to ensure everyone at the dinner received a Christmas gift.

Nikki Stearman, Adult Learning 51²èÂ¥ Partnership Manager said she was so proud of those that joined in; “The main aims of our Community Projects are to bring learning opportunities into the heart of 51²èÂ¥ neighbourhoods, and to empower people to come together, learn new skills and work as a positive team. The team then decide on what they would like to do to aid local people and I am so proud of what everyone at Church Hill has done. They are giving people who may otherwise have no gifts to open on Christmas Day the gift of compassion. I cannot wait to see what other Project Teams do in the new year!â€

51²èÂ¥lor Marcus Hart, Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Communities said he was thrilled to see people coming together for a great cause; “This project in Redditch, driven by a spirit of community and generosity will, I hope combat feelings of loneliness during the holiday season. I cannot wait to see what Adult Learning 51²è¥’s next Community Projects come up with. It is so rewarding to see people working and learning together to support one another. Community involvement is so important, as it brings people together to achieve great things. It is what our county does so well, and I am proud of their achievements.â€

Volunteers from St. Andrews Church will distribute the personalised handmade gifts at their festive lunch on Christmas Day.

If you would like to take part in a future Adult Learning Community Project you can call 01905 728537 or search ‘community’ to see the full list of scheduled projects, by clicking here to visit their courses website