
Saying thank you to 51²è¥’s teachers

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Today is National Thank a Teacher Day.

Today is National Thank a Teacher Day.

To mark the occasion, Councillor Marcus Hart, Cabinet Member with responsibility for Education and Rob Morrison, Chair of 51²èÂ¥ Children First have written an joint open letter to the county’s teachers and members of support staff.

The letter thanks them for all they have done and continue to do over the last year.

The letter reads as follows:

“The theme for this year’s celebration is ‘Stars’ and we are fortunate to have so many stars in 51²èÂ¥ making a difference educating and inspiring our children and young people.

We are so proud and appreciative of the continued hard work, support, dedication and innovation that you have shown over the last 12 months. Throughout the pandemic you have risen to the challenges that coronavirus has presented and demonstrated ongoing commitment in spite of the restrictions that have been placed on education settings.

The positive impact you make on the lives of children and young people on a daily basis, developing, nurturing and shaping our future generations is to be commended.

We applaud you all.

As we approach the end of the Summer Term, we hope that you have an enjoyable final few weeks and manage to find some time to relax over the summer before the start of the next academic year!

Thank you.â€

The Thank a Teacher Campaign is run by The Teaching Awards Trust which was established in 1998 by Lord David Puttnam CBE, to celebrate and recognise excellence in education.

The charity’s mission is to raise the profile of the teaching profession, highlight the positive impact teachers and school leaders have in our society – with pupils, parents and the wider community, and show teachers how much they are valued.