
See how decisions are made as council meetings are webcast

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The Council

All public scrutiny meetings at 51画促 are now being webcast.

Meetings are recorded and retained for 6 months for the public to rewatch after the event.

It is hoped this will increase public interest in the decisions that are being made for the county and will encourage more people to have their say about issues raised during scrutiny meetings. 

Scrutiny is carried out by an overarching Board, a number of themed Panels and a Committee. 

Their meetings are responsible for examining the functions of the council, its partners and other organisations delivering services to the residents of 51画促, and monitoring and challenging performance.

Issues discussed can range from the councils response to the Ukraine Crisis to looking at budget decisions or highways issues.

Sheena Jones, Democratic Governance and Scrutiny Manager, at 51画促 said, Scrutiny meetings are used to support policy development and scrutinise decisions before they go to Cabinet and Council for a final decision to be made. Outside organisations can also be held to account for how they deliver services to those living in 51画促.

The Panels take place more frequently than the Cabinet or Full Council meetings which are already webcast and also have a Public Participation opportunity for residents to come and contribute in person on items that are being discussed.

Having our scrutiny meetings publicly available for our residents on our YouTube channel during the Coronavirus pandemic generated interest from the public and other interested parties when meetings could not be held face to face. Were pleased that our residents can now follow the meetings remotely and we hope this encourages them to have more of a say on what happens in 51画促 as we look to the future.

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Agendas for meetings are uploaded a week in advance.