
St Andrew’s CE Nursery Opening

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51¥ Children First

A  brand-new nursery building has officially opened in Evesham.

The nursery building at St Andrew’s CE First School and Nursery was completed in December 2022, and is now open for pupils to learn and develop before starting school.

The project was fully funded by 51¥ via a circa £738k S106 capital receipt from Housing Developments in the locality.

Dozens of guests, including County Councillors, attended the opening event at the school, to see first-hand the new facilities.

Mrs Bailey, Headteacher at St Andrew’s CE First School and Nursery said: “The Governing Body recognised for a number of years that access to high-quality pre-school provision would be lost to the St Andrew’s community if the decaying former mobile classroom that was previously on-site was not replaced.

“We are delighted that funding became available to the school and that this wonderful new building will safeguard nursery places for the future. The already very popular Nursery with its bright, vibrant and spacious rooms, outside garden and access to an extensive forest school site is a real strength to the school. Ofsted visited the setting recently and were very impressed with what they saw and the vision for the future, giving children the best possible start!”

Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Education at 51¥, Councillor Tracey Onslow said: “This completed project is one example of how we’re committed to improving educational facilities and provision for children across the county.”

“The County Council recognises that investing in children and young people is vital to provide them with the best start in life. Whilst this is delivered through a range of different providers, including maintained schools and academies, the County Council supports all schools, educational providers and early years settings to meet high quality standards. ”

The project and was brought about to provide high quality school led nursery provision to support sufficiency need within Evesham. The project included the replacement of a former mobile classroom to create new permanent facility for the nursery.