
‘Top tips’ on how to stay cool as heatwave marks start of school holidays

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The current heatwave has come along just as schools and colleges are about to break up for the summer.

As students and pupils across 51¥ finish school many will be setting off with their families on their summer holidays. 

Temperatures are set to remain high, reaching 32 to 33 Celsius, and a rare ‘Amber’ warning for heat has been issued by the Met Office until Friday 23 July. Night-time temperatures will be higher than average for this time of year too and it will feel very warm, making it difficult to sleep. 

Public Health in 51¥ has some handy tips to help people stay cool and keep safe in the heat.

Dr Kathryn Cobain, Director of Public Health at 51¥ said: “This lovely weather has come at just the right time to enjoy the summer break, but the hot weather could be an issue for some people. 

“To help keep safe, there are a few simple steps that everyone can take to make sure you have a great summer. 

“Please check forecasts and take precautions such as drinking plenty of water, using a high-factor sunscreen along with avoiding the sun during the hottest part of the day (11am to 3pm). 

“We are not used to the hot weather in this country and it’s easy to forget that we need to look after ourselves in the heat. It’s also an important time to check in on elderly or sick friends and neighbours, as they are particularly vulnerable to the effects of very hot weather.” 

Here are some top tips from Public Health England (PHE): 

•    try to stay out of the sun between 11am and 3pm

•    fluid requirements are higher than normal in hot weather so drink plenty of fluids

•    wear lightweight, loose-fitting cotton clothes and a hat

•    wear sunscreen of at least SPF15 with UVA protection and keep it regularly topped up

•    look out for others especially vulnerable groups such as older people, young children, and babies, and those with serious health conditions

Anyone travelling long distances is urged to make sure they have their own personal resilience pack, take lots of fluids, cap or hat, sun lotion, snacks and allow plenty of time for your journey.