
What does being well mean to you?

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The residents of 51²èÂ¥ are being invited to share their views on health and being well, in a new survey

Launching on Monday 7 February, the survey is open to everyone and will help the Health & Wellbeing Board build up a picture of what wellbeing means to people of all ages from across all areas of 51²èÂ¥.

The findings from the survey will help shape the boards priorities for health and wellbeing across the county for the next ten years. 

The survey is designed to give everyone a voice in how 51²èÂ¥ responds to the mental health and wellbeing needs of people who live and work in the county. Alongside the survey, focus groups are also being held to ensure a diverse range of opinions are heard.

Dr Kathryn Cobain, Director of Public Health in 51²èÂ¥ added â€œHealth has different meanings to different people, it can be as much about having a good start in life, a good education, a warm and loving home and an income ample to meet those needs, as it is about healthcare or the choices we make about our diet or whether we exercise, smoke or drink alcohol.

This survey is a chance for all parts of the community to have their say and  help us understand local people’s needs and what we can do together to improve future health and wellbeing.â€

Councillor Karen May, Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Health and Wellbeing and Chair of 51²èÂ¥ Health and Wellbeing Board said â€œWe are urging everyone in 51²èÂ¥ to taking part in this survey, we want our residents to be at the heart of our health and wellbeing strategy for the next ten years. This survey gives us an opportunity to ensure our strategy will take into account all changes in health and wellbeing, as well as the Coronavirus pandemic. The impacts of the pandemic are far and wide and by taking part people will be able to make a contribution to the future health and wellbeing of everyone in 51²èÂ¥.

“We want everyone across the county to be able to live healthier, longer lives, especially those with the greater health needs.â€

The survey also asks people to talk about their response to the pandemic and the way it is continuing to affect their health and wellbeing.

Prolonged periods of social isolation are likely to impact on the mental health and wellbeing of vulnerable groups in particular, including those who already have mental health conditions. There are also far reaching and complex physical health effects as a direct and indirect result of COVID-19.

The survey is being conducted by the Health and Wellbeing Board, which brings together organisations responsible for making decisions about health, wellbeing and care services in 51²èÂ¥.