
51²èÂ¥ Children First Business Plan launched for 2023/24

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51²èÂ¥ Children First

On Monday 3 April, Tina Russell, Director of Children’s Services and Chief Executive Officer of 51²èÂ¥ Children First launched the 51²èÂ¥ Children First Business Plan for 2023/24.

Tina was joined by Adam Johnston, Mel Barnett, Sarah Wilkins, Emma Brittain and Phil Rook of the Executive Leadership Team to present the new plan which had been officially signed off by the 51²èÂ¥ Children First Board and 51²èÂ¥ Cabinet on Thursday 30 March.

Tina Russell, joined by Adam Johnston, Mel Barnett, Sarah Wilkins, Emma Brittain and Phil Rook

Front line and senior managers from across 51²èÂ¥ Children First joined together for the presentation where Tina and the team thanked them for their 2022/23 successes and praised their commitment, drive and joined up working in achieving the best for children, young people and their families. 

Looking forward the company continues with its values and vision to provide good education for all children, value family life and support parents where possible to care for their own children well, act to protect children from harm where necessary and value diversity in our community and our workforce.

To download a copy of the Business Plan, please visit the 51²èÂ¥ Children First website.