
51画促 Children First welcomes announcement of SEND Government funding

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51画促 Children First

51画促 Children First has welcomed the announcement from Central Government of a one off innovation funding grant for SEND and Short Breaks.

The government are inviting bids from local authorities which can demonstrate how an innovation fund grant would enable gaps that have been identified in the local offer of respite for disabled children and young people to be addressed. 

51画促 Children First submitted an application for a project which would enhance local provision for families across the county. 

Improving our provision for Children and Families is one of the priorities in their Business Plan for the next financial year.

Councillor Andy Roberts, Cabinet Member for Children and Families: Ensuring that our vulnerable children and their families are able to receive the tailored care and support they need has been a top priority, and this funding is a real positive as we look forward to the next financial year.

Councillor Marcus Hart, Cabinet Member for Education: In 51画促, the High Needs Budget remains under pressure, so I welcome all announcements of government funding and support as we strive to improve in this area. As part of the councils accelerated action plan for SEND and our new All Age Disability Service, we are working hard to ensure we provide the best service possible to families within the allocated resources available.

As part of the budget for this financial year, 51画促 has been allocated an extra 贈9.9m for High Needs to support children across the county, through the Dedicated Schools Grant.

This takes the gross budget for High Needs to 贈78 million which is a welcome boost for families.