
51²èÂ¥ awarded funding to help boost biodiversity in the county

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The County Council has been successful in bidding for funding that will look to increase biodiversity at suitable sites across the county.

An £83,000 grant has been approved to help support the County Council’s project to develop a 51²èÂ¥ Natural Capital Investment Partnership.

In its application for the grant, the council recently outlined to the Environment Agency how it would work with partners and developers to facilitate a sustainable approach to the biodiversity net gain process. This aims to leave the natural environment in a measurably better state than before.

The grant will enable the Council, its partners and developers to put in place a framework for ensuring that future development in our county contributes to genuine, long-term improvements for nature and natural habitats.

Councillor Tony Miller, Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Environment said: “Our success with this funding application will really allow us to build on the fantastic work we have done in recent years with our county’s wonderful natural habitats, for example through the Natural Networks programme.

“I’m really looking forward to seeing how this funding will help things to develop further and allow us to work with our local communities to keep welcoming wildlife to 51²èÂ¥ for many years to come.â€