
51²èÂ¥ steps up staff welfare and gets higher accreditation

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The Council

51²èÂ¥ staff are delighted to have their welfare support recognised by a local business wellbeing scheme.

The Council has recently gained both Level 1 and level 2 accreditations, in the 51²èÂ¥ Works Well scheme.  

This success is down to a number of new and innovative staff wellbeing initiatives introduced in the wake of the pandemic. 

The Council recognised the impact working during the pandemic and set about introducing several new free wellbeing initiatives which have had a really positive impact on Council staff.  

These have included annual free flu vaccines, lunchtime yoga, tea and talk sessions and employee health checks.

In the last year, the County Council has held Wellbeing Weeks, where staff can drop into different sessions to have a taste of something new that could benefit their wellbeing or support their health. 

Richard Taylor, Assistant Director of Human Resources, Organisational Development and Engagement, at 51²èÂ¥ said: “We have been working hard to take our wellbeing offer for our employees to the next level. This is because wellbeing is a key part of our workforce strategy to support staff and enable them to be the best they can be.  

“It’s great to have the hard work and dedication recognised by this award and an opportunity to share what we’ve been doing with other businesses.â€

Improving workplace health is a key priority for 51²èÂ¥. 

Good health and wellbeing at work can help improve levels of physical and mental health in employees as well as reducing the level of absences, increasing productivity and improving the recruitment and retention of staff.