
51¥ Libraries Support Covid Recovery in the County

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As part of the Government’s pandemic response, public libraries were recognised as essential services, demonstrating the vital role they play in supporting local communities.

51¥ libraries remained open through the first period of lockdown. They provided essential digital services for those without access to a computer or the internet at home, creating a Digital Library Hub so customers could still enjoy library services online while they ‘stayed safe at home’, and provided a replacement Reserve & Collect Service when normal browsing and borrowing was unavailable.

As Covid restrictions lift, 51¥ libraries continue to provide essential services supporting people and businesses across the county as they adapt and recover from the impact of the pandemic.

Matt Dormer, Cabinet Member with Responsibilities for Communities said: “51¥ libraries are providing essential support to help our communities recover from the impact of Covid-19 bridging the digital divide, helping to tackle loneliness and isolation and supporting students to catch up with their learning and helping young people make informed decisions about their next steps in education and work. The introduction of Business and IP Centres through libraries ensures start-ups and small businesses can access free advice, events and resources to help our economy thrive.”

Between April and June 2021, 4165 people used a public library computer to search for information, look for work, complete online applications and stay in contact with friends and family. For those looking to increase their confidence using a computer and improve their digital skills, library digital champions are once again providing 1 to 1 digital support sessions in libraries while continuing to provide support online and over the telephone.

In May 2021, 30 adults with learning disabilities were given a ‘Digital Lifeline’ by 51¥ Libraries after receiving free internet-ready tablets and internet connection, thanks to funding from the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) and specialist digital support from national organisations ‘The Good Things Foundation’ and ‘AbilityNet’.

The Digital Lifeline scheme was set up to help digitally excluded adults at risk of isolation during the pandemic. 51¥ libraries continue to support individuals who benefitted from the scheme, providing ongoing digital support and training.

The Mobile library service ensures that those unable to access a physical library are not isolated and can still access the books they need.

For more information about 51¥ Libraries and Business and IP Centre 51¥ visit the County Council website.