
51²èÂ¥ welcomes funding for schools to improve energy efficiency

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The Council
51²èÂ¥ Children First

51²èÂ¥ has welcomed a £4.6 million allocation of funding for schools across the county from Central Government.

The funding has been specifically shared to help schools and academies improve their energy efficiency, during the current financial year.

Central Government announced that schools, academies and sixth-form colleges across the UK will receive an allocation from  £447 million in capital funding in 2022 to 2023 for capital improvements to buildings and facilities, prioritising works to improve energy efficiency.

Councillor Tracey Onslow, Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Education, said: â€œThis allocation is great news for 51²èÂ¥ to help us improve energy efficiency in our schools during a time when the cost of energy is rising.â€

The county’s funding allocation was referred to in the County Council’s Cabinet meeting for February, where the budget for the next financial year was recommended to Full Council.

The budget for the next year also highlights a significant increase in the Schools Block Dedicated Schools Grant in December.

The Dedicated Schools Grant funding has risen from a total of £498.6 million for 2022 to 23 to £532.6 million for 2023 to 2024.

There is also additional funding of £14 million which was announced in the spending review to support financial pressures within the county’s schools.