
51²è¥’s residents urged to reduce food waste: Food Waste Action Week 2022

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Residents are being encouraged to start their food waste reduction journey.

51²èÂ¥ is supporting the UK’s second annual Food Waste Action Week, launched by the Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP) which begins next week, Monday 7 March.

The week aims to create lasting change to help halve global food waste by 2030.

Councillor Tony Miller, Cabinet Member for the Environment said: “All those mouldy loaves of bread and half-eaten bags of salad thrown in the bin are having an impact on the environment and costs. We need to take action to reduce avoidable wastage, and value our food.

If you keep track of what’s in your fridge, check before you shop and make the most of your freezer where possible, you are much less likely to waste food, and your money.  Planning ahead and judging portion sizes correctly are small changes that can also make a huge difference.’’

Food waste makes up over a third of 51²è¥’s household waste equivalent to 4,600 double decker buses or nearly 300 adult blue whales. 

The average family throws away £720 worth of perfectly edible food each year and by reducing this amount it can help both the pocket and the environment.

The Council has a set a target of halving its carbon emissions by 2030 and as the waste it disposes of contributes to a large part of the emissions, anything residents can do to reduce waste, particularly food, will help achieve this target.

Some food waste is unavoidable. But much of it, with some careful planning and handy recipes, can be avoided at home. Here are the County’s three top food saving tips:

  • Plan your meals and shopping to avoid buying too much.
  • Store your food appropriately - Use the fridge correctly, make sure it is at the correct temperature, and check dates to make sure you are using it up in time.  If you can't use it, freeze it.
  • Eat what you buy. Look at what you have in the fridge and cupboard and use up the odd bits of cheese or ham in another meal. Or cook enough for lunch another day or to put in the freezer.

For further information on Food Waste Action Week and reducing your food waste, please