
Work is nearing completion on multi million congestion busting schemes

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Travel and roads

Two early phases of the A38 Bromsgrove Route Enhancement Programme (BREP) to reduce congestion and improve access links across the town is gathering pace as work nears completion. 

Despite supply constraints of key construction materials and some areas of labour as well as a national pandemic, 51¥ and its contractor, Alun Griffiths Construction Ltd, have kept the work moving forward on the two early phases worth over £5m.

Phase 1 to improve M5 (Junction 4), M42 (Junction 1) and Barley Mow Lane has been fully operation since Spring 2021.

This phase saw improvements made to Barley Mow Lane and enhancements at junction 4 of the M5 to increase the capacity on and off the M5 Junction 4 roundabout.  The final part the works for Phase 1, included widening both the north and south bound sections of the A38 at Junction 1 of the M42, as well as installing the new service road to improve access to properties and adding the central splitter island to enhance crossing facilities.

Phase 2 works saw the delivery of a new Toucan crossing on A448 Stratford Road and an upgraded footway to create a new footway/cycle way link from A38 / Charford Road Junction to South Bromsgrove High School, as well as a new Toucan over Charford Road.  Both schemes are fully open for use.

The final element of Phase 2 is the delivery of an upgraded pedestrian / cycle link between Harvington Road and Charford Road.  This was opened to the public last weekend.

Further landscaping will be completed over the next few months to include the planting of circa 90 new trees, approximately 3,000 bulbs, approximately 1,000 marginal aquatic plants and 5,000 woodland wildflowers and various environmental and habitat improvements. 

Councillor Alan Amos, Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Highways and Transport at 51¥ said "The A38 is a major artery through Bromsgrove, used by thousands of commuters and logistics operators every day. These improvements will help make those journeys smoother and make Bromsgrove a more accessible place to do business.”

‘‘I am delighted that we have been able to deliver the Phase 1 and 2 schemes ahead of the wider A38 Bromsgrove Route Enhancement Programme, to ensure that we continue the momentum in reducing congestion and providing high quality walking and cycling routes.”

‘‘It is inspiring to see the work progressing well despite the enormous challenges facing the construction industry at the present time and our people have worked tirelessly to ensure that work has continued to deliver these vital schemes.’’

Further bids for funding for the remaining schemes within the Bromsgrove Route Enhancement Programme will be submitted in Autumn this year. If successful, Phase 3 improvements, including capacity and active travel enhancements at many of the existing congested junctions, could start later in 2022.