
Your care, Your way! Join us and help shape your Adult Social Care Services

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Residents who access Adult Social Care support in 51²èÂ¥ are being asked to help the Council improve the way its services are designed and delivered.

A survey conducted by 51²èÂ¥ last year revealed 75 percent of people said they would like to use services designed by people who use the services.

As a result, the County Council is now looking for people to join its Building Together Forum, to work in partnership with council staff to advise, support and challenge them on the way services are and should be provided.

Mark Fitton, Director of Adult Social Care, at 51²èÂ¥ said: “We’d love to hear from anyone who wants to work with us to make a real impact to the development of our Adult Social Care services.

“We want to ensure that people who use our services, and their families and carers, are empowered to improve Adult Social Care across the county by contributing their experience, skills, and influence on the design, development, delivery, and monitoring of our services. 

“You don’t need any professional qualifications, just lived experience of receiving social care in 51²èÂ¥. Members of the Building Together Forum will work with us as equals to review and shape services in an honest and open environment, and in doing so will make a huge difference to the lives of our residents.

“If you would like to find out more about working with us, please do come along to our launch event at County Hall on Monday 24 April – we’d love to meet you and answer any questions you may have!â€

Residents who are already working in partnership with 51²èÂ¥ on another co-production project – the Learning Disability Board – say they are already benefitting from the scheme.

Rachel said: “It’s good to be working in co-production as part of the Learning Disability Partnership Board, to be included and have our voices heard. We are working together to create the new Learning Disability Strategy and get things changed for people with learning disabilities in 51²èÂ¥.’

Lucy said: “We are all individuals and want to be treated as individuals even though we have a learning disability. I think it is really important we are included in things like the Learning Disability Partnership Board and the work it does. Having an event to tell people about why co-production is important is a really good idea.â€

To find out more about the Building Together Forum or to book onto the Launch Event please see the County Council Building Together Webpage.