
Young Carers and Young Adult Carers

Young Carers and Young Adult Carers

Information and advice for young carers aged 6 to 25 who are caring or helping to look after a family member, partner or friend.

What is a young carer or young adult carer?

Are you a 6 to 25-year-old carer that looks after someone a few hours a week (or more) that relies on you for support in the following ways:

  • emotional care and support
  • medical care and support
  • personal, or physical care
  • help with domestic tasks

You could be a young carer and would possibly benefit from support. If you are over 18 years visit support for adult carers.

What's it like being a carer?

The impact of being a carer

Caring and helping to look after your family member, partner or friend may be having an impact for example on:

  • getting to school on time
  • doing homework on time
  • not being able to spend time with friends or relaxing
  • feeling left out with friends
  • friends don’t understand what it is like for you, caring for your family member

If you are struggling then let an adult know such as a teacher.

This short animation will give the viewer an insight into the lives of young carers and hopefully encourage young carers to take steps to seek support:

In this video 13-year-old Jameal is a carer for his mum and he describes the struggles and positives of being a young carer.

Steps for getting support

You can contact YSS 51²èÂ¥ Young Carers team or alternatively do a self-assessment using a QR code.

1. Contact YSS 51²èÂ¥ Young Carers team

51²èÂ¥ Young Carers team from YSS provide support on behalf of 51²èÂ¥.

YSS understand what it is like to be a young carers and young adult carer. They can help to raise your self-esteem and confidence. The team provides the time and space to have fun and mix with other carers who understand what you do every day of your lives.

Contact the team via:

2. Self-assessment

YSS 51²èÂ¥ Young Carers have developed a .

Young carer website QR Code

By filling in this self-assessment, you can review yourself to help you understand what help is available and what to do next.

Further information and support for young carers

Further information for young carers can be found at the following websites

  • to find out what support exists for young carers
  • to access to information and advice

If you're finding it hard to cope, you could call or join their online community.

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