
Domestic abuse support

Domestic abuse support

If you are a victim of domestic abuse and violence, or know someone who is, there is help available.

How to get help

  • Abuse helpline on 0800 980 3331 is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and is staffed by trained workers who can offer you support, safety planning, information and advice
  • Male Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0800 014 9082, free and confidential, available 24 hours a day

In an emergency always dial 999 and ask for police. If you are not safe to speak - call 999 and then press 55.

Guidance on the silent calls ("")

General domestic abuse support and guidance

: 1 in 4 women in the UK will experience domestic abuse at some point in their lives. WMWA works for a world that is free from domestic abuse and violence against women and girls, where everyone can live without the fear and reality of all forms of violence, abuse and discrimination.

: Our 24/7 Helpline could mean the difference between life and death for women and children experiencing domestic abuse. Can you help keep this lifeline running?

: Providing domestic abuse assessments (DASH); safety planning and referrals for home security and therapeutic trauma counselling.

– Digital and Online Safety: For someone experiencing domestic abuse, it can feel like every aspect of their world is controlled by the abuser – and the online world is no different. Although technology can help victims to access information and support.

Substance misuse can often go hand in hand with domestic abuse. This may be the abuser using drugs or alcohol or the victim as a way to cope with the abuse. If you have concerns about yourself or someone else you can get further advice from  

Other useful resources

 is the UK’s free, confidential helpline dedicated to children and young people. Whenever children need us, ChildLine will be there for them - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days per year. 

Are you worried about online sexual abuse or the way someone has been communicating with you online? Visit

 is an independent charity dedicated to supporting victims of crime and traumatic incidents in England and Wales.

is a free and confidential support service for those affected by crime.

 is a free, confidential, non-judgemental service for any individual who is experiencing or has experienced domestic abuse.

is a free app providing support and information for anyone who may be in an abusive relationship, or those who are concerned about someone they know. 

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