


About deafblindness and what help and support is available.

About Deafblindness

Deafblindness is the combined loss of vision and hearing impacting on communication, accessing information and mobility.

Deafblindness affects individuals in very different ways and certainly impacts upon every aspect of the person's daily life and their ability to function independently without specialist input support and advice.

The combination of both a hearing and sight loss (at any level) for most people can be life changing and may lead to increased frustration, isolation and depression.

How do I get help?

Contact the Sensory Impairment Team where a Specialist Worker will support you to identify the right information, advice and support to meet your needs. 

What support is available?

Direct Payments

These can enable a Deafblind person to obtain the specialist support they require e.g. through a Communicator Guide or Support Worker.  These work on a one-to-one basis with the person, acting as a guide and communicator and with their help, deafblind people can live fulfilling lives at home and in the community.

Their role is to support the individual to do the things they want to do - not to do things for them. They help ensure communication is clear and that the person is able to move around safely, using the right kind of guiding technique.

This might mean supporting someone to travel to the supermarket to do their weekly shop, reading someone's letters to them, helping to set up a medical appointment and accompanying them to the hospital or helping an individual to attend a social group.


Due to the uniqueness of deafblindness, each individual may benefit from a very different combination of equipment to support their dual sensory loss. 

Sensory Impairment Service

If you or your health care professional feel you need additional support Specialist workers from the Sensory Impairment Service may be able to help. 

They will work with you to identify suitable advice, information, communication methods, voluntary services, equipment and support that will promote your independence and wellbeing. 

They may provide additional equipment on long term loan or advise you on equipment you can purchase. 

The workers can also provide support in registrations and accessing some additional benefits. 

To have a discussion about your needs and support available to you please contact us: 

Duty Worker available on Monday to Friday.

Email: sensoryimpairmenteam@worcestershire.gov.uk 

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