
In this section

Community asset transfer

Community asset transfer

Community asset transfer is a long-term leasehold or freehold asset transfer arrangement.

Community Asset Transfer (CAT) is a long-term leasehold or freehold asset transfer arrangement entered into voluntarily by the Council with an incorporated Community Organisation or Parish and Town Council, at a discount to market value, to stimulate the social, economic and environmental well-being of people living and working in 51¥, in keeping with the provisions outlined within Circular 06/03: Local Government Act (1972) General Disposal Consent (2003).

An asset is defined as buildings or land owned by the County Council.

The Council's policy seeks to balance the particular benefits of any proposal to manage or own an asset from a community organisation or Parish and Town Council, against the wider benefits to the community of 51¥ through the expenditure on other services or priorities made possible as a result of a ‘commercial’ disposal at the best possible market price.

Any proposed asset transfer must:

  • promote social, economic or environmental wellbeing, and
  • support the County Council's Corporate Plan, and
  • aim to create the widest public value.

The Council will consider proposals and negotiate terms and conditions for Community Asset Transfer on a case by case basis.

If you are interested in putting forward a proposal for Community Asset Transfer please send an email to Corporate Landlord Services identifying the property that you are interested in, and requesting to be sent an Expression of Interest form.

You will then be sent further information about the Community Asset Transfer process.

General Disposal Consent (2003)

Section 123 of the Local Government Act 1972 imposes a legal obligation not to dispose of land (other than tenancies of seven years or under) for consideration “less than the best that can reasonably be obtained” unless the Secretary of State gives consent to such a disposal at undervalue. The General Disposal Consent 2003 gives blanket general consent of the Secretary of State to under value disposals, subject to certain pre-conditions clearly linked back to the well-being powers in the LGA 2000. The Council “considers that the purpose for which the land is to be disposed is likely to contribute to the achievement” of any or all of the promotion or improvement of the economic, social or environmental well-being of the whole or any part of its area, or of all or any persons resident or present in its area. The undervalue is no more than pound; 2m.

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