
Types of flooding

Flooding warning signs on highways

Types of flooding

This page identifies the different types of floods and who are responsible for them.

All flooding types

See the information below on all flooding types:

Main River

The manages flood risk from main rivers.

Ordinary Watercourses

In 51²èÂ¥ flood risk from ordinary watercourses (smaller rivers, streams and ditches) is managed by the Borough and District councils and the Lower Severn Internal Drainage Board, within its area.

Surface Water

Flooding from surface water is caused when rainfall cannot soak away because the ground is fully saturated or drainage systems are full. Surface water flooding is an increasing problem as more and more ground is surfaced for developments, for example front gardens are surfaced with block paving. Flood risk from surface water is managed by us.

Ground Water

Ground water flooding can occur when water levels underneath the ground rise above normal levels approaching the surface. It is usually caused by long periods of heavy rainfall. Flood risk from ground water is managed by us.


Sewer flooding may result from a failure in the sewer system. It may also happen when there is not enough capacity to take water entering the system. In 51²èÂ¥ flood risk from sewers is managed by .

Burst Water Pipe

In 51²èÂ¥ flood risk from burst water pipes is managed by . However, burst pipes within a property boundary are the responsibility of the property owner.


Highway flooding is caused by rain falling onto the highway surface. In 51²èÂ¥ flood risk on or from the highway is managed by us.

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