
Strength and balance

Strength and balance

The natural ageing process means that older people are more likely to have a fall. Strength and balance exercises can help to reduce the risk of falls.

The importance of keeping active

Muscle weakness and poor balance in later life are the most common preventable risk factors for falls. The loss of muscle strength can also lead to a reduction in independent living and carrying out basic activities like eating, bathing and getting dressed.  

Being active can help us enjoy our later years. Physical activity is good for our body and mind. Everybody should aim to be active.

How can I improve my strength and balance?

Adults (19-64) should aim for at least 150 minutes per week of moderate intensity.

All adults should undertake muscle strengthening activities such as:

  • exercising with weights
  • Yoga
  • or carrying heavy shopping

Timer, Weights, Yoga and Shopping icons

How intense is your activity? 

The intensity of your activity can increase heart rate, respiratory rate and energy consumption, such as:

  • sedentary: not moving or working at a desk
  • light: cleaning, carrying out rubbish or yoga
  • moderate: walking, cycling or shopping
  • vigorous: : dancing or swimming
  • very vigorous: sprinting up hills, weight exercises or press ups

Active People Icons

For more information why not download our information guide:

Ageing well and physical activity flyer (PDF)

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