
Statement regarding delays to the preparation of mineral planning policy

Statement regarding delays to the preparation of mineral planning policy

51¥ is delaying the development of its Mineral Site Allocations Development Plan Document due to uncertainties about changes to national policy and legislation.

This is in response to changes to the legislative requirements for developing planning policy documents which are proposed through the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill, whose progress through Parliament has also taken longer than anticipated and has not yet received Royal Assent. Recent changes to the National Planning Policy Framework need to be considered, and further changes to national policy are anticipated in order to implement the proposals in the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill.

A public consultation on the “Preferred Options” draft of the Mineral Site Allocations Development Plan Document had been due to take place in Autumn 2023. The Council has decided to delay this consultation until there is clarity about legislative and policy changes to the plan-making system.

The timescales and requirements for preparing plans under the existing planning system or transitioning to the revised system are not yet clear, and it is not possible to produce a meaningful update to the Mineral and Waste Local Development Scheme at this stage. 

The Council will publish further updates on its website once there is greater clarity on the proposed changes and legislation. 

Councillor Marc Bayliss, 51¥’s Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Economy, Infrastructure and Skills, said:

“We remain committed to planning for the future needs of our residents and businesses by preparing planning policies which facilitate the supply of essential raw materials in a manner which protects and enhances 51¥’s environment and amenity. However, there is too much uncertainty about how national policy requirements will change or what the legislative requirements will be for us to take these documents through to adoption, and therefore we need to pause until the required certainty is provided in the best interests of 51¥’s businesses and communities.” 

Frequently asked questions

  • When will the “Preferred Options Consultation” on the Mineral Site Allocations Development Plan Document take place? 
    • Due to uncertainties about changes to national policy and legislation, 51¥ has decided to delay the development of the Mineral Site Allocations Development Plan Document, including the “Preferred Options Consultation” until any changes to the National Planning Policy Framework can be considered and there is clarity about changes to the wider plan-making system resulting from the Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill.
  • How long is 51¥ delaying the development of its Mineral Site Allocations Development Plan Document for, and what happens next?
    • At the moment, we do not know how long this delay might be for. We are awaiting Royal Assent of the Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill. In order to implement the Bill following Royal Assent, Government will also need to develop secondary legislation and further changes to national policy and guidance. We will be closely monitoring progress and any communications from the Department for Levelling-Up, Housing and Communities over the coming months to understand how to proceed under the revised planning system. We will publish further updates on our website once there is greater clarity.
  • Have any other authorities delayed preparation of their plans?
    • Yes. Many other Local Authorities have delayed or withdrawn their Local Plans since the introduction of the Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill to Parliament in May 2022 and the consultation on changes to the National Planning Policy Framework in December 2022. According to the , as of 7 August 2023 this had affected 60 Local Planning Authorities.
  • Does this mean mineral development will not take place on the sites that have been put forward in response to previous calls for sites?
    • A number of sites have been proposed by mineral operators and landowners as sites which they would like to be allocated for mineral working. 51¥ has not yet made any decisions about which of the sites should or should not be allocated in a future Mineral Site Allocations Development Plan Document. However, 51¥ adopted the Minerals Local Plan in 2022 and this includes a comprehensive suite of policies which will facilitate the consideration of any planning applications which come forward, for these or any other sites.
  • Does the delay to the allocation of specific sites and preferred areas mean that mineral development could take place anywhere in 51¥?
    • 51¥ adopted the Minerals Local Plan in 2022 and this includes a spatial strategy with policies to direct where mineral development should take place. It also includes a suite of Development Management policies to ensure that the environment, economy and amenity are protected and enhanced by mineral development proposals in 51¥.
  • How will 51¥ ensure that mineral development in the county complies with local planning policy?
    • 51¥ adopted the Minerals Local Plan in 2022 and this includes a comprehensive suite of policies which will facilitate the consideration of any planning applications which may come forward. This includes a suite of Development Management policies which will apply to all mineral development proposals, including any sites which are allocated through the separate Mineral Site Allocations Development Plan Document in due course, to ensure that the environment, economy and amenity are protected and enhanced.
  • Does the delay to the development of the Mineral Site Allocations Development Plan Document mean that the supply of minerals from 51¥ will not be able to keep up with demand?
    • Whilst 51¥ recognises that greater certainty would be provided by adopting site allocations which would help to ensure the steady and adequate supply of minerals from the county, we are unable to progress the Mineral Site Allocations Development Plan Document at this time due to the uncertainties about changes to national policy and legislation. The Minerals Local Plan adopted in 2022 provides a framework to facilitate the steady, adequate and sustainable supply of locally and nationally important minerals. It includes a comprehensive suite of policies which will facilitate the consideration of any planning applications which come forward.
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