
Work on the Withdrawn Waste Core Strategy for 51²èÂ¥ (2007/2008)

Work on the Withdrawn Waste Core Strategy for 51²èÂ¥ (2007/2008)

The County Council submitted "Waste Core Strategy: Regulation 28 Submission Document and Proposals Map" to the Secretary of State for independent examination in January 2007. The Council had prepared this in accordance with national policy and ongoing advice from the Government Office for the West Midlands. However, following advice from the Planning Inspectorate and in anticipation of emerging government guidance it was clear that it would not be found "sound".

On 28 June 2007 the council asked the Secretary of State to direct that the WCS should be withdrawn. On 21 February 2008, she agreed and issued a letter directing the Council to withdraw the document and the preparatory work supporting it.

A copy of the statutory notice and a copy of the letter sent to everyone who was notified of the withdrawal and all those who made representations on the Preferred Options Report, Submission Document, Proposals Map or Sustainability Appraisal are available.


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