
Co-production - how to get involved

Co-production - how to get involved

The views and experiences of families with children and young people with SEND are an important part of our development and improvement of services in 51²èÂ¥.

We have a number of different ways which parent carers, children and young people are listened to and involved, including parent carer representatives on strategic groups and boards and working with our parent carer forum. We also regularly contact parent carers and young people to gain their feedback on specific service areas, through our Quality Assurance programme.

Service areas within SEND will often reach out to their families and ask for feedback about aspects of their service, often through online surveys and also encourage them to become involved in task and finish groups to help shape future developments.

We publish details of surveys on the Latest News page of this website.

Parent carers can also be involved by joining 51²èÂ¥'s parent carer forum.

Parent carer forum

51²èÂ¥ Parent Carer Forum (WPCF) are 51²è¥’s official parent carer forum and were formerly known as Families in Partnership (FiP). They are an independent group of parent carers who work alongside 51²èÂ¥ Children First and other partner agencies to help shape services for children with special educational needs and disabilities in the county.

To find out more, including how you can get involved, visit the  website.

You can also keep up to date with forum news via  or 

Co-production charter

This charter has been produced by Families in Partnership, 51²èÂ¥'s recognised Parent Carer Forum and all of the partner members of 51²èÂ¥'s SEND Improvement Board. It outlines our agreed way of working together to create good services for our children and young people.

Download: Co-production charter

Feeding back

As well as listening to and involving our SEND families it’s equally important that we feedback to them about the changes and improvements we have made because of their input. We publish our updates and reports on the ‘We are listening’ page of the Local Offer.

Getting involved with shaping services other than SEND

There are different opportunities for parents, carers, children and young people to get involved with developing services other than SEND. You can find out more about them here: Get involved.

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