
Creating a company account

Creating a company account

You'll need a company account to apply for many different applications and permissions, learn how to create an account on this page.

Our organisation does not have yet a company account

Please note: you only need to create one account for your company but each company may have many users. You can apply for traffic management and other highways licences through the same company login.

As part of the company account creation, you will be required to create one company user. This user will automatically be a company administrator.

More on company administrators

Company administrators can:

  • can create additional company users (these can be administrators or ordinary users)
    • the login area of each account gives access to information stored about the company (for example the status of works, payments and public liability insurance and NRSWA licence details)
  • will need to control how many users are set up as access to the login area gives access to a lot of data
  • can change company details (address, company email, telephone number etc)
  • can disable company users (for employees who may have left) - it is important to disable users when they leave your company or move roles
  • can change the password of company users
  • can change details of existing company users

In addition, company administrators are able to do the same actions as company users.

More on company document administration

This is an area where you can update the Public Liability document and upload a scanned or pdf copy of the document - allows JPG, PDF etc.

More on company users

Company users can:

  • can return to an incomplete application
  • can make any necessary payments for your applications via a secure online payment link
  • can attach any documents in the login which will be available for future use
    • NRSWA licences, Public Liability insurance documents
  • can view all the applications you have made before
  • can track applications based on
    • request ID, location, type of application, work type, road, town, postcode or date expected for works
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